Thursday, October 16, 2008

Are you ready for Rembrandt!?

Well as mentioned at the official Granado Espada forums, the world migration will be finished on the 16th at around 18:00 (GMT +8). As you can see the official forums has updated most of the threads with the new server names' Bach and Rembrandt.


As for me, I did some renovation on my blog site so the old Carracci feeling will be gone at least by sight. So I hope you guys appreciate the new modification on my blog site. I want to recognize the efforts made by Casafuego of Templars Faction (from Pachelbel server) by creating this wonderful banner of my favorite line up in Granado Espada. Well pioneers you won't even end your amazement on his great works because he has a deviant site which you can visit here at

Well pioneers of former Carracci and Pachelbel, see you at Rembrandt. And Cheers to the pioneers of Bach server!

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