I can't believe that another year ended and am thankful that most of the things in-game progressed but some things were not. Base on my collective conversation with players through messenger and through in-game, there are popular events that most pioneers could not forget.
January - In this month the Fantazzztic Film Awards competition continues, Project Hostile Takeover event, Valentines Day Event, and E-Card Challenge took place this first month of 2008.
February - The Fantazzztic Film Awards competition continues as they trimmed down the most deserving entries for next March's final showdown. Events like; Love Me, Date with a GM, Fortune Master's Bok-Jo-Ris, and year of Ararat put the pioneers into quests and some exposure through the regions of Bahamas.
March - This month formaly introduced Girl Gamers of the new found world through the official web site that was originally organized at the Philippines to give support to our girl gamers. In addition the Fantazzztic Film Awards ended and determined the champions and all entries hailed from the players themselves in the Philippines.
April - Real life event like the E-Games domination overwhelmed the pioneers of the Philippines. Thanks to RCM Hrin by visiting the pioneers of the Philippine community. Other in-game events like Colony Wars: The Reckoning, Return of the Dark Lord, April Fools, Garage Sale, and Town invation keep the pioneers busy for this month.
May - The community celebrates with Australia and New Zealand and premium item promotions was released by this month.
June - Version 2.6 was further introduced specially in the real life events in the Philippines along with Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia with respective events. In addition the new found world celebrates the independence day of the Philippines and Singapore hosts the Carnival Draw event.
July - RNPC event by Vicente Rio himself amassed the pioneers through winning his in-game costume if you reach veteran level cap for Rio. The event like Friday Knights kept the pioneer's pvp skill to the challenge. Real life events in Malaysia was included this month through PvP Challenge and Live GE KAC electronic sport event.
August - The community captains and GM in-game made some visits in each server to organize in-game events. The result of community screen competition was also released this month.In addition another real life event in Cebu, Philippines was included in the list of events.
September - Back to back PvP hosted at Singapore and the Philippines kept the pioneer's pvp skill intact.
October - The worlds tremble when the servers Cervantez, Carracci, Caravaggio, Pachelbel, and Vivaldi was officially merged. PK servers became Bach and Non-PK servers became Rembrandt. The Philippine GE community celebrates their 1st anniversary through a Black Party.
November - A month long colony wars started, stating that distinguished colony has a corresponding price when occupied by a faction. GM event Pet Day was also took place along with Route A La Domination. RNPC Claire and Calyce was also introduced to the new found world and don't forget the good news for the Filipino pioneers who long for higher conversion of G-Points to E-Points.
December - Christmas events like Naughty and Nice event and Show your love kept the pioneers busy to express their Christmas greetings through creative works of art. IAH also announced a PH community outing organized by the players itself. Not to mention the introduction to Zeian was started so the pioneers of the new world will sought after this amazing expansion this January.
The year was tough and full of laughters. But in the end of the day we still share the community and the game we've enjoyed for almost two years. Til again, Happy new year to the pioneers of the new found world!